Big House and People of B.C.
Roy Arden, British Columbia






Big House
"The large mural 'Big House' is about the historical development of British Columbia and the endeavours of its people. I felt that the other, three-part work I was commissioned to produce for the Convention Centre should counterpoint rather than reprise that theme."
People of British Columbia
"If "Big House" largely addresses economic and historic events, ‘People of British Columbia’ is a work about the experience of the senses, of the natural world, physical rather than historical time. The beach represents our desire to escape the pressures of the workweek for the unmeasured time of the weekend. As a child I spent much of my summers roaming English Bay, Spanish Banks or Third Beach. I was entertained both by my experience of the natural sublime and the endlessly fascinating human parade. The beach reminds us that the object of all of our work and struggles is freedom and joy."
Roy Arden