Permanent Light
Derek Root, British Columbia





Conveyed with simplicity and clarity, the design communicates the inspiration of nature and the transition in the province from resources to technologies by applying the creative powers and innovative capabilities honed in the resource industries towards new opportunities and applications, symbolizing our changing relationship with our environment.
Based on the principle of circular growth patterns, the mosaic design explores themes of history, transition, progress, technology and invention. The design also gestures toward the natural physical beauty of British Columbia where nature, geology and the ocean determined what the province was and is today.
Structural forms found in nature stood out as a guide. For example: stratum in sedimentary rock, the repetition of modular forms in natural systems such as concentric growth patterns in trees, spiral formations, and the cyclical nature of life.
The composition is a synthesis of two motifs: layer formations and a water drop. The colour takes into account a need to harmonize with the colour of the terrazzo surrounding the mosaic area, and also connects with the materials and tones of the building. The progression from dark to light signals optimism, and even transcendence. The lines and forms progress outward beyond the frame suggesting a continuum. Rhythmic lines reverberate, mirroring or connecting.