The Vancouver Convention Centre offers 57,964 ft² (5,385 m²) of plaza space surrounding its two buildings – perfect for your outdoor event, or to extend the scope of an indoor event with outdoor activations.
These Outdoor Plazas Operating Guidelines are designed to familiarize you with the Vancouver Convention Centre and to provide a customizable facility information resource for planning your event experience. Select ‘Add to Package’ on items relevant to your event experience to create a custom resource package.
Please also check out our other planning packages:
The Vancouver Convention Centre offers 57,964 ft² (5,385 m²) of plaza space surrounding its two buildings – perfect for your outdoor event, or to extend the scope of an indoor event with outdoor activations.
Jack Poole Plaza adjacent to the West building is a landmark in Vancouver. Home to the majestic Cauldron that burned brightly during the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, this vast space is perfect for festivals, community gatherings and special events, such as the Pakistan Festival, the Mexican Day Independence Festival and the Canucks Autism Network Family Festival. It is also the ideal space for delegates to unwind and simply enjoy the breathtaking harbour views.
The East Plaza located at the entrance to the East building is a welcoming space where delegates can enjoy the breathtaking harbour views. Activations can also be arranged on this space to further enhance your event.
The Bon Voyage Plaza is a 3,050 ft² (283 m²) corner section located around “The Drop" art piece on the northeast edge of Vancouver Convention Centre’s West building.
Bordering the Seawall, Vancouver Harbour Flight Centre, restaurants, retail shops, commercial areas, and private residences, these unique outdoor spaces require specialized operating procedures and service delivery. The Vancouver Convention Centre has developed this general overview of our operating guidelines to help facilitate your planning. A dedicated Event Manager will work with you to coordinate the logistics and services to meet your unique event requirements.
We look forward to working with you to ensure your event is a success!
All event requests will be considered on a first come, first served basis and reviewed for compatibility with other events and activities within the Vancouver Convention Centre and in the surrounding precinct. Jack Poole Plaza is also available for community use.
Event Requirements
Banners and signage cannot be affixed to any of the Vancouver Convention Centre’s buildings or any fixtures on the Plazas without advance notice and written approval. Rigging is an exclusive service to the Vancouver Convention Centre. Costs for rigging will be quoted based on details provided. All rigging plans must be submitted to the Vancouver Convention Centre for approval at least 15 business days in advance of your scheduled move-in date. As the exclusive supplier of rigging labour, Riggit Services Inc. will review all rigging plans and approval fees will apply. Rigging plans submitted less than 15 business days prior to move-in are subject to additional late fees. When Riggit Services Inc. is selected as the rigging equipment supplier for an event, approval fees for standard rigging plans will be waived.
Each event is responsible for appointing a Client Health and Safety Representative whose role is to:
Act as the event’s on-site liaison for any health and safety issues
Assist with communicating health and safety information to the event’s contractors, suppliers, exhibitors, staff, or attendees
Ensure the event’s contractors, suppliers, exhibitors, staff, and attendees adhere to WorkSafeBC rules and regulations, and to any additional safety measures required by the facility
Assist the facility to intervene in unsafe situations involving the event’s contractors, suppliers, exhibitors, staff, or attendees
Assist as necessary in the case of an accident and subsequent investigations.
All floor plans must be submitted to Vancouver Convention Centre in advance for approval. Floor plans must be complete and include all aspects of your event.
Insurance is required for all contracted events. A minimum limit of $5,000,000 in Comprehensive General Liability and $1,000,000 in Tenants Legal Liability are required. A hard copy of the insurance certificate must be submitted to your Event Manager sixty (60) days prior to the event.
Depending on the nature of your event, additional insurance may be required as determined by the Vancouver Convention Centre.
Plumbing services are provided exclusively by the Vancouver Convention Centre. The Vancouver Convention Centre does not allow the reselling of these exclusive services, or others to act as our agent for these services.
Potable cold water is delivered and available via Garden Hose (GHT) and drains ports are available on Jack Poole Plaza. Plumbed services are very limited on Jack Poole Plaza. If wash stations are required in outdoor spaces, portable self-contained sinks may be provided, pending Vancouver Coastal Health approval.
Domestic cold water feeds from four hose bibs on Jack Poole Plaza are available for non-potable uses (e.g. watering plants, filling water barrels for tent weights, non-interactive water features, etc.). Please see Appendix A - Jack Poole Plaza Technical Floor Plan for hose bib locations.
Drains are exclusively provided for the drainage of grey water. It is prohibited to use drains for the disposal of grease, solids, solvents, hazardous materials, or organic materials of any kind. Organic waste containers are available for collection of organic materials, including fruit, vegetable, and animal matter. All fats, oils and greases must be separately contained and removed for proper disposal. Chemicals such as strong solutions, paints and varnishes must be removed from site after use. Facility sinks and drains found to be clogged from improper use will be subject to further charges.
All outdoor spaces within a 25 ft (7.5 m) perimeter of the Vancouver Convention Centre and adjacent retailers are NON-SMOKING. Likewise, any outdoor space used by the building for business purposes is non-smoking; this includes events taking place on the outdoor plazas. This is in accordance with the City of Vancouver Health By-Law #9535 and as required by LEED® building standards. Electronic cigarettes and vaporisers are subject to the same regulation by the Vancouver Convention Centre.and varnishes must be removed from site after use. Facility sinks and drains found to be clogged from improper use will be subject to further charges.
Temporary electrical services are provided exclusively by the Vancouver Convention Centre. The Vancouver Convention Centre does not allow the reselling of these exclusive services, or others to act as our agent for these services.
Only in-house electricians are permitted to distribute, connect, or disconnect power from facility electrical equipment, including panels, outlets, and transformers. Additional labour or cabling charges may apply depending on desired power location. Cable mats will be placed as required to ensure pedestrian safety.
When electrical services are required for temporary structures that are subject to Building Permits, Vancouver Convention Centre must submit an electrical declaration to the City of Vancouver for electrical inspection.
Alternative power sources of any kind are not permitted to operate onsite. This includes, but is not limited to:
Gas, propane, and diesel-powered generators
Solar battery storage to 120 Volt AC output.
Public washrooms located along the north Seawall are accessible from Jack Poole Plaza and Bon Voyage Plaza. Please note that exterior public washroom facilities are limited, and access to the main building washrooms is not included with Plaza rental. For larger events, portable washrooms (including at least one wheelchair accessible washroom) must be procured from an outside supplier at the Client’s expense. Vancouver Convention Centre will help determine the number and placement of the portable washrooms to ensure adequate facilities are available and access and egress routes are maintained.
The Plazas are fully accessible by wheelchair. Provision for wheelchair accessible portable washrooms will be the responsibility of the client.
Please note that a minimum 6 ft (1.8 m) wide pathway must be maintained along both East and West sides of Jack Poole Plaza to ensure seawall access for pedestrians and wheelchairs.
For all onsite requests, please call Guest Services Operations Centre at 604 647 7299. The onsite emergency phone number is 604 647 7500.
Depending on the size of the crowd and the nature of the event, clients may be required to rent and install fencing to control access and manage crowds.
Fencing will be mandatory for events serving alcohol.
The approved occupancy for a defined event space will vary based on specific event details, including the nature of the event, space configuration, fencing, stages, and other structures.
Event hours for outdoor spaces are:
Monday through Friday – 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Saturday, Sunday, Public Holidays – 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Sound checks are not to take place before 8:00 AM Monday through Saturday, or before 10:00 AM on Sundays or Public Holidays. All amplified sound, performance and public participation must end by 10:00 PM. Event generated noise will be subject to approval, monitoring and restriction by the Vancouver Convention Centre.
Move-in and move-out security staffing to manage vehicle access and movement is mandatory. This service is provided exclusively by the Vancouver Convention Centre and is chargeable to the event. Your Event Manager will assign the necessary staff to ensure a safe and orderly move-in and move-out.
Depending on the timing, quantity and type of vehicle traffic expected, Vancouver Police Department Traffic Authority staffing may be required to manage the impact on city streets. The Client Health and Safety Representative must be present onsite during all move-in and move-out hours to respond to event-related inquiries and to assist with maintaining a safe work environment.
The Multiway is a drop-off/pick-up zone that runs parallel to Canada Place between the West Building Parkade and Jack Poole Plaza. Although the Multiway is not included with rental of Jack Poole Plaza, subject to certain conditions the Multiway may be used to facilitate event move-in and move-out.
Onsite parking in any area outside of designated parking facilities, including Vancouver Convention Centre’s Loading Facilities and the Multiway, is prohibited.
The parking facility located within the West building of the Vancouver Convention Centre is independently operated by Impark (Impark Lot #1940). This lot offers 440 stalls and operates 24 hours per day, 7 days a week on a first come, first served basis. Rates can be viewed online at lots.impark.com. Please contact Impark directly with any parking enquiries at 604 681 7311.
The East building has 750 stalls and is operated by Indigo (Indigo Lot #034 – Canada Place). Indigo can be reached at 604 669 7275 or at canadaplace@group-indigo.com. Rates can be viewed at
Although Vancouver Convention Centre is unable to make arrangements for event parking, your Event Manager can provide contacts for other parking providers in the general area. Overnight parking and parking for oversized vehicles may be arranged through these providers.
As parking at the Vancouver Convention Centre is limited, we encourage clients to promote the use of public transit. Vancouver Convention Centre is well served by Skytrain, Canada Line, Seabus, and other modes of public transit.
Vancouver Convention Centre is unable to accept any materials delivered prior to the scheduled event move-in unless storage space is contracted in advance.
Any materials remaining on-site after the event’s scheduled move-out will be removed at the client’s expense.
Rental of the Plazas does not include space inside the Vancouver Convention Centre. Please ensure alternate plans are in place in case of inclement weather conditions.
The Plazas have several different loading areas, each with different capacities and restrictions for static displays, vehicles, forklifts, and other mobile equipment. All loads, including vehicles, heavy machinery and deliveries requiring a forklift, must be approved in advance by the Vancouver Convention Centre.
For heavier loads and vehicle/mobile equipment pathways in weight restricted areas, ¾” plywood (single or double layered, dependent on the area and load) will be required to cover and protect the Plaza surface. The Client is responsible for the provision of plywood and associated costs.
Dedicated Occupational First Aid Attendants (OFAs) may be required based on the nature and size of the event.
Forklifts and certified forklift operators are provided exclusively by the Vancouver Convention Centre. Outside suppliers are generally not permitted to provide forklifts or forklift operators. However, specialized forklift equipment and operators may be required to access select areas of the Plaza, and Vancouver Convention Centre will evaluate such requests accordingly. All mobile equipment specifications must be submitted before approval will be granted. Client will be required to supply ¾” plywood to prevent damage to the Plaza surface along the forklift paths.
The following housekeeping services are provided exclusively by Vancouver Convention Centre:
Nightly clean (if necessary)
Waste and recycling removal
Housekeeping patrollers
As the world's first double LEED® Platinum certified convention centre, the Vancouver Convention Centre is committed to environmental sustainability. All clients are encouraged to apply sustainable event practices to conserve energy and minimize waste. Recycling bins, housekeeping staff, and waste disposal services will be provided as required and are chargeable to the Client.
Mobile lifts and operators – including, but not limited to, scissor lifts, snorkel lifts, boom lifts, and other aerial platform lifts – are available exclusively through the Vancouver Convention Centre and are provided by Riggit Services Inc. (riggit.com). Client will be required to supply floor protection to prevent damage to the Plaza surface along mobile lift paths.
A minimum number of security staff will be required to monitor attendee safety, redirect the public, monitor alcohol service (if applicable), manage the Vancouver Convention Centre’s entrances, and help maintain clear access and egress pathways.
Move-in and move-out security services, and event security related to life safety and building protection, are provided exclusively by the Vancouver Convention Centre.
Requests to bring compressed gas onsite must be submitted in advance for approval. Compressed gas cylinders must be stored in a safe manner when they are onsite. The client is responsible for arranging drop off and pick up. Disposal costs for cylinders left on site after the event’s scheduled move-out will be charged to the client.
A pre-event and post-event inspection of the Event Area will be conducted by a representative of the Convention Centre and the Client. Costs resulting from repairs, replacements, damage, and cleaning of the event space are the responsibility of the client, as detailed in the License Agreement.
Any vehicles to be displayed are subject to the following conditions:
Due to Plaza weight load restrictions, emergency exiting, and pedestrian right of way, all display vehicles and locations must be approved in advance by the Vancouver Convention Centre
Fuel tanks must not be more than ¼ full (pressurized nitrous oxide tanks must be emptied)
Fuel caps must be locked shut
Vehicles must be clean and the Plaza surface must be protected against damage, including fluid leaks and stains
Ignition must be disabled or the vehicle locked and the engine inaccessible from the outside of the vehicle
Keys must be left with Guest Services Operations Centre.
Advance notice and written approval from the Vancouver Convention Centre is required for any Food Vendor Booths or Food Trucks.
The client is responsible for providing and laying plywood under all food booths to protect the Plaza surface from grease and other potential stains. Food trucks may only be staged in Highway Rated Area at south end of Jack Poole Plaza (Appendix A). Food trucks may not utilize power generators and vehicle engines are not permitted to idle.
Grease and oil disposal is the responsibility of the food vendor and must be taken offsite.
Vancouver Convention Centre will notify nearby residents and businesses of all Plaza event activities prior to event start date. Accordingly, we request that final details regarding each event be submitted to the Event Manager no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the event start date.
Communication services, including internet, wireless internet, and broadcast services, are provided exclusively by the Vancouver Convention Centre.
Licences and Permits
The City of Vancouver requires certain events with a public commercial component to apply for a Business Licence.
Vancouver Coastal Health regulates events that may involve risks to public health. This includes, but is not limited to, events with food services, personal services (i.e., hair, skin, or nails services, personal wellness services, or body modification), and animal exhibits. Vancouver Coastal Health officials frequently inspect events to ensure health regulations are enforced.
If you wish to have alcohol sales, service, or sampling as an element of your event, plans for responsible service of alcohol at the event must first be submitted to the Vancouver Convention Centre for review and approval. Plans must include fencing, security, prevention of service to minors, prevention of over-service, and prevention of drinking and driving.
Subject to Vancouver Convention Centre’s approval, you will be required to submit the appropriate applications to BC Liquor Control and Licensing Branch and the City of Vancouver.
The lead time to obtain the necessary permissions can be lengthy. Please allow a minimum of ninety (90) days prior to the start of your event date to incorporate all aspects of this request.
Additional insurance may be required for events with a liquor component.
The City of Vancouver issues Special Event Permits for events that could impact residents or businesses in the area. Depending on the nature and details of your event, consultation with other City Departments (e.g., Vancouver Police Department and Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services) may be necessary, and a number of permits may be required.
The City of Vancouver requires permits for temporary outdoor tent and stage structures that exceed certain dimensions. All proposed tents, temporary structures and staging must be approved by the Vancouver Convention Centre. Independent engineering evaluations may be required.